Full Body Mole Mapping

  • Includes Full Body Skin Check

  • Recommended annually for adults with many moles.

  • Available London & Manchester

Mole Mapping is an additional safeguard against skin cancer.

Full Body Mole Mapping - £325

Laser-guided, full body photography by a female specialist nurse.

Regular photographic surveillance, combined with the latest technology, helps us identify any moles which are new or changing - a potential symptom of a basal cell, squamous cell or melanoma skin cancer - by comparing images over time.

For those with a new or changing mole, the nurse can arrange rapid diagnosis by an expert doctor with a Single Mole Check and a Mole Biopsy, if required.

A Mole Map also includes a Full Body Skin Check to identify any moles which are visually abnormal - another potential symptom of a skin cancer. 

This skin cancer screening service takes up to 60 minutes.

*Seen one after another (2hr Appointment)